Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Leo Hillinger Zweigelt

Austria has been producing some very nice wines lately. On the white side, try the Gruner Veltliners. I really like the Lois. On the red side, try the Zweigelts. While traveling in Europe, we got turned onto this type of grape and wine. The Heinrich Zeigelt is a terrific wine. But last night we had a bottle of the 2005 Leo Hillinger Zweigelt. This is the second time we have opened a Hillinger and was very pleased both times. The wine has a ruby red color and has a spicy cherry and raspberry berry nose, which is common in the Zweigelts. The taste is fruity with the berries and I picked up a hint of blackberry on the back. The tannins were smooth and overall a very vivacious wine. No need to cellar. Great value for $18-$20. High recommendation for Austrian wines.

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